9km done and dusted! Last Sunday, September 21st, I ran the Blackmores 9km Bridge run, starting from Milson's Point, over the Sydney Harbour Bridge, down Macquarie street, through to Hyde Park and the Domain and finishing back to the Royal Botanical Gardens. This course was relatively easy with barely any inclination. The views running across the city made the course very enjoyable. The day started off wet and windy, but ended on a sunny note. I put myself in the "C" category of the group running > 1 hour. This included people pushing prams. I saw several fathers push their kids in prams ahead of me. One man, with a shirt slogan, "Diabetic. Overweight and In Front Of You" written on the back. Mothers and their sons, and people dressed up for the occasion. There were all types. I managed to finish the course in 1 hour and 12 minutes, which I guess ain't too bad for a first time run. Everyone got a medal at the end after they finished. Afterwards the race, I reclined myself on the sand at Coogee Beach for a bit of a snooze, a well deserved rest and some afternoon sushi.