So I finally have sorted out my room. Here is it, from the doorway and going clockwise.
Most of the stuff on the desk Diem and Josh gave me is just there temporarily. Going to move them back to my Bass Hill place this weekend, so it'd be wonderfully blank then for other stuff.
Kalafina, my favourite band (as you can see from my two posters and calendar of them), does acapella covers of various songs on their radio show. They just did Moonlight Densetsu, which is the opening theme of Sailor Moon (the English one has the same melody but entirely different lyrics) and gaaah, why did you stop Wakana, Keiko??
Now the song is stuck in my head.
2 Responses to My Room
Are you allowed to put up shelves? A collection of pokemon x nanoblocks would be awesome to see.
We have the same IKEA wardrobe! Lemme guess - $99 sale?
Haha, nah, not allowed to screw holes into the walls. Less area of dust for me to wipe off.
Oh, so Sandra was right about us having the same wardrobe then! And nope, it was there before I moved in. Only furniture I bought is the bookcase. The tables were found or received. ^_^
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